On the Hoof 5 – Ruben’s Cows, Drawing Studies vs. Photography.

my drawings of my neighbours’ cows in the  field opposite – drawing studies from life   on the hoof 😉 get the joke? if u don’t then u shpould know that colloquial (en-gb) ‘on the hoof’ means on the trot, on the move, improvised, ‘sur la vif’ (fr) … ie gesture drawings of moving objects.…

Good Friend

‘Berty’graphiteA5 sketchbook© The Artist. My mum’s Jack Russell is not well. Might not make it. He is a great friend. These animal friends in our lives. Please note, this skeych is from before his illness.

Drawing of a Calf Suckling

‘On the Hoof 3’ conté pastel on paperabout the size of my hand© The Artist. Spring time here in the Dordogne. The veal calves are in the field. In a few weeks time, they’ll be gambolling & careering about. I can’t believe I’ve got the relative sizes of mother & off-spring right……comme même!

On the Hoof 1

‘On the Hoof 1’ pencil & ink A5 sketchbook © The Artist. Drawing of a Cow & her  calf  lying down   first of  a series of bovines…look further in this blog to follow the herd